- Hourly
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Housekeeping
- Office Cleaning
- Computer, Telephone and Monitor Cleaning
- Hygiene Cleans (Commercial)
- Communal Hallways
- Waiting-in service
- Stair Cleaning
- Handover Cleans
- End of Tenancy Cleans
- Deep Cleans (Commercial)
- Kitchen Cleans
- Builders Cleans
- Window Cleaning
- We are professional, reliable, friendly and always easy to deal with
- We have a highly motivated workforce
- We have the experience and infrastructure to offer you an outstanding cleaning service
- We offer flexible specifications to suit your budget
- We are the best!
OUR COMMITMENT TO YOUWe will always make sure we have MET your needs. All of our staff are fully vetted by disclosure Scotland and are highly trained to carry out the work they are assigned to carry out. Our follow up "report and suggested improvement" form allows for YOU to highlight any concerns you may have had regarding ANY part of the service we provided no matter how small the concern appears to you, this makes sure we are on top of the game regarding customer feedback and drives home that we are true to our word that TABBIKAT are always looking for ways to be the best at providing our services.
Copyright © 2018 TabbiKat Cleaning Services
TabbiKat Site Created By GAKA Design Studios Glasgow in Conjunction With: